Security is Sitting in a Cardboard Box

Working With Bombard Balloon Adventures: Page 8 - The End


Bob the chef .. when they wrote the book on culinary legends .. he must have been at least given a page. He's a star! Every meal stomach tearingly good. Here he whipping up some homemade burgers on the barbie.

On the last night we ate back at Laborde .. it didn't scrub up too badly either :)

Inside the Orangerie with André .. André could in himself be the subject of an entire webpage .. he doesn't seem to speak any English and just runs around everywhere shouting "muchachos" all the time (referring to us) ... either that or "la bas! la bas!" - respect to that guy! He is quite literally the living embodiment of Manuel from Fawlty Towers. Efforts to teach him to say "I know naahthing" have thus far proved unsuccessful.

A blurry Laborde by night

"The Team Works" .. apparently

It was Ash's birthday - so bumps were due .. note the suspicious stain on the trousers .. hmmm

Buddy (the man himself) haveing a jive with Marian (?) .. the nice lady who footed the bill.

.. and Lawrence with the Jail-Bait

.. finally the night Piney was so wasted he ended up losing an eyebrow (hence the shaving cream everywhere) ... you may notice he seems well tucked in. We covered him in a thick duvet, a rug, a blanket a towel and another rug just to keep him nice and snug. It was at least 25 degrees outside ... I've never seen sweat quite like that and hope I never do again :|


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